Rocco Louis Tripaldi
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Scenic team meetup with team Poseidon!
Grabbing some pre-GM sushi with Enej, Miguel, and Eric.
And so begins an epic journey filled with love and duty. ❤️💻🇨🇦
Breakfast crunch wrap! 😮
Megan and I hiked up Mt. Mansfield. We parked at Underhill State Park, hiked up the Lara Cowles trail, and down the Sunset Ridge trail. The ascent and descent took 3 hours each. We hiked at a fairly slow pace taking time to catch our breath, rest our legs, and snap some photos. Here are… Continue Reading →
I’m feeling pretty euphoric after spending a few days exploring Northern Vermont and Montréal with Megan. I brought my camera. Here are a few of the most magical shots. Enjoy!
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