2025-03-06 19:12:00
Rocco Tripaldi

Rocco Louis Tripaldi

Website Coder Person

@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Learned a new word today: "mugwump." it accurately describes how I've been coping lately. Rocco the Mugwump.
3:01 PM - Jan 1, 2017
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!

On 2017-01-17 Rocco saved a link to Pocket

On 2017-01-17 Rocco saved a link to Pocket

@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Thanks a bunch! ❤SDgC
@rmccue tweeted:
There weren't any official docs for the Heartbeat API, so I decided to write some: https://t.co/ACDkDJRYtc
12:01 AM - Jan 1, 2017
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
"Under the Ridge" by the Rude Hooch Chili Poopers
4:03 AM - Jan 1, 2017
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
It is good that the fate of the world does not depend on me ever spelling "maintenance" correctly on the first attempt.
7:16 PM - Jan 1, 2017
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!

On 2016-12-30 New post on Rocco.blog

In the lane, snow is glistening…

First major snowfall at the new abode. It’s what some would call “emergency weather”, but here in Maine we call it “Friday”.

Read on...

On 2016-12-21 Rocco saved a link to Pocket

On 2016-12-19 Rocco saved a link to Pocket

@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
She was prepared the for the table of squirrel butts, but nothing could prepare her for what happened next. https://t.co/EeSXlINVt4
11:15 PM - Dec 12, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!

On 2016-11-25 Rocco was at The Westin Copley Place, Boston Boston, MA, United States View on Swarm

Celebrating Thanksgiving in Boston with Megan's family.

On 2016-11-24 Rocco was at Boston Public Garden Boston, MA, United States View on Swarm

Catching Pokeman with Megan!

@RoccoTripaldi retweetd justinvincent:
How 196 lines of C code won an Academy Award https://t.co/gOqBiqNUYD
4:23 AM - Nov 11, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!

On 2016-11-18 Rocco was at Patriot Nickelodeon Cinemas Portland, ME, United States View on Swarm

with Megan

@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Though I follow a ton of comedians on Twitter, it still manages to be a dark, stormy place swarming with earwigs and asbestos dust storms.
12:38 AM - Nov 11, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!

On 2016-11-15 Rocco was at Cinemagic & IMAX Saco, ME, United States View on Swarm

with Megan

@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
On a lighter note, my life post-Trump will be spent the same as pre-Trump: trying to be less neurotic and more generous.
8:52 PM - Nov 11, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
#FlashbackFriday New Year's Day 2016. Ah, good times.
5:43 PM - Nov 11, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!

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