Rocco Louis Tripaldi
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Happy birthday Megan
Purchasing some brownies for David Shedd, who helped us find a driveway paver!
Flying out to the 2016 Automattic Grand Meetup!
Yesterday we visited Fort Williams park to check out the stormy seas delivered by Hurricane Hermine. The storm did not come directly to Maine, but it breezed by a few miles off the coastline. We were surprised to see how many brave ( or stupid ) people were getting close to the edge of the… Continue Reading →
Today I finished a home-made medicine cabinet / picture frame for our bathroom. Teaching myself basic carpentry skills, and owning a home in general has made me appreciate all the work that goes into building and maintaining our dwellings and infrastructure. Thank you all for working so hard. Enjoy the photos!
Pad Thai with crispy chicken was exactly what I needed. — with Megan
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