2025-03-09 01:22:54
Rocco Tripaldi

Rocco Louis Tripaldi

Website Coder Person

On 2016-08-21 New post on Rocco.blog

Thoughts on pocket hole joinery

This weekend I completed my first furniture design project. Instead of buying the tools for traditional wood joinery I opted to use pocket holes. It is less expensive, and requires less time and patience. I was able to build two nightstands in a week. I haven’t been this excited since I was gifted my first… Continue Reading →

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@RoccoTripaldi retweetd wordpressdotcom:
It's Time: Apply For Early Access to Your Own .blog Domain Name https://t.co/8TjlERyX6y
3:10 PM - Aug 8, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Measure, then act... https://t.co/UNG8Zhi5Rn
2:45 PM - Aug 8, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!

On 2016-08-18 New post on Rocco.blog

Measure, then act

Dan, a co-worker from Automattic wrote this in a p2 post today: Measure, then act. Almost every major decision we made was in response to real-world data. Often we would be surprised and have our expectations challenged, both in terms of what was NOT possible, but also what WAS possible. It reminds me of the… Continue Reading →

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@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
we cured polio. we invented the internet. we created Star Wars. i can continue...
@pcrumm tweeted:
What did we do to deserve this fate?
9:34 PM - Aug 8, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
First foray into furniture design https://t.co/j7DnrkJkHaF
1:38 AM - Aug 8, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!

On 2016-08-12 New post on Rocco.blog

First foray into furniture design

We need a couple of low sitting night stands for our bedroom, and we haven’t found quite what we are looking for online or IRL. So I’m going to build them. I bought the wood and the Kreg jig, and I’m going to start tomorrow. I’m pretty pumped! Here’s what I made in SketchUp.

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On 2016-08-08 Rocco saved a link to Pocket

@RoccoTripaldi retweetd kumailn:
My uncle has lived in Florida for 25 years. This is the first time he says he's getting "weird looks" in his neighborhood. #NeverTrump
2:08 PM - Jul 7, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi retweetd TomCaron:
Enjoy #NationalHotDogDay - when in Maine, it's got to be a Red Snapper.
1:24 PM - Jul 7, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Proper use of video projector https://t.co/bscvfwGf31
3:48 AM - Jul 7, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!

On 2016-06-26 New post on Rocco.blog

Work meet-up in Lima, Peru

Finally, I’m posting some photos and videos from my trip to Lima, Peru earlier this year.

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On 2016-06-13 Rocco was at The Porthole Portland, ME, United States View on Swarm

Drinks with Oscar and Derek to kick off the Luna meetup!

On 2016-06-05 Rocco was at Cinemagic Stadium Theaters Westbrook, ME, United States View on Swarm

On 2016-06-05 Rocco saved a link to Pocket

On 2016-06-04 Rocco was at OOB Veteran’s Memorial Park Old Orchard Beach, ME, United States View on Swarm

Scottish Festival! — with Megan

On 2016-05-26 Rocco was at Kelly’s Roast Beef Revere, MA, United States View on Swarm

First time at Kelly's. While there, Megan and I put in an offer on a house!

On 2016-05-21 Rocco was at Cinemagic Stadium Theaters Westbrook, ME, United States View on Swarm

with Megan

@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
A biscotti is like an over-baked cookie. Dunk it hot coffee and it's transformed into a fresh-from-the-oven cookie. #MagicWeekend
6:07 PM - May 5, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi retweetd wordpressdotcom:
Coming Soon: New .Blog Domains for Websites https://t.co/37U8z3BRBe
8:33 PM - May 5, 2016
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!

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