2025-02-27 18:42:44
Rocco Tripaldi

Rocco Louis Tripaldi

Website Coder Person

β€œI’m judging the post below me. Hard.”

Greater burdock

Backyard jungle πŸ’πŸŒ»πŸ₯€

Hello, welcome to my office.

Lazy day 😴

Scientist who denied bisexual men exist finally comes to his senses and discovers, yes, bi guys are telling the truth Scientist says I exist!? I’m celebrating with some iced coffee, the official drink of bisexual men!

Pink lemonade.

The Squash Vine Borer. I hope he doesn’t eat our pumpkins!! πŸŽƒ

Paper wasp

On 2020-07-21, Rocco played: Titanic Rising by Weyes BloodListen on Spotify

 Titanic Rising by Weyes Blood

On 2020-07-20, Rocco played: Isolation by Kali UchisListen on Spotify

 Isolation by Kali Uchis

Birdwatchers in the cemetery.

On 2020-07-12 Rocco saved a link to Pocket

Meet my cat, Pekoe 😍

Meet my cat, Jasmine 😍

The supernatural violet of the sea rose as a pseudonym for an essence far too deep for me to discern. Jefferson Navicky

This morning, there were slugs slowly gliding over the burnt wood in our fire pit.

On 2020-06-26 New post on Rocco.blog

CDC adds 3 new to official list of Covid-19 symptoms

In addition to fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, loss of taste or smell and sore throat, the United States Center for Disease Control has recently add 3 new symptoms that may indicate a Covid-19 infection: Flatulence resembling the drum solo from Phil Collin’s “In… Continue Reading →

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