2025-03-31 23:42:14
Rocco Tripaldi

Rocco Louis Tripaldi

Website Coder Person

@RoccoTripaldi retweetd GeorgeRRMartin_:
I don't know why I wasn't invited, I'm great at weddings... @KimKardashian @kanyewest
1:53 PM - May 5, 2014
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi retweetd professor:
After 3.5 months and 1280 commits @BruteProtect 2.0 and http://t.co/q1L5Zdh2yG is live. This is a monumental day and we did it all for you.
4:14 PM - May 5, 2014
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
I just saved 16 rabbits at "I Hate Rabbits" game! Try to beat me here http://t.co/PoALzzw5ad via @lessmilk_
11:57 PM - Mar 3, 2014
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
That awkward moment when you are so drunk that you discover the secret of life, and then you sober up and forget everything. #goshdarnit
10:34 PM - Feb 2, 2014
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Is it possible for one to learn to enjoy untangling WordPress plugin conflicts? #pleaseplaynice
5:13 PM - Feb 2, 2014
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
My favorite #wordpress38 color scheme is Ectoplasm because Bill Murray.
5:30 PM - Dec 12, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
You know winter is here when you start seeing animated snowflakes falling across various webpages.
2:07 PM - Dec 12, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Dear #CSS, if everything is !important, then nothing is !important. Sincerely, Rocco
8:58 PM - Nov 11, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi retweetd justinvincent:
Linux shell tips and tricks http://t.co/cIpRPK2ZMm
4:55 PM - Nov 11, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Using my first #datequery today. Love it! #wpquery
8:55 PM - Nov 11, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
#drumrollplease Today I created my 100th CPT for @WordPress websites.
5:35 PM - Nov 11, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Way to go @HotchkissWeb for making the roster for #wordpress3.7
1:53 AM - Oct 10, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Your new site is looking snazzy @BruteProtect http://t.co/JEObHV8tkQ
5:22 PM - Oct 10, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Notes from my talk on emailing with @WordPress from this month's @Meetup http://t.co/Iu8JbgZLgu
6:32 PM - Sep 9, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Way to hit 10k users @BruteProtect
2:33 PM - Sep 9, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Love the new theme @sixhours http://t.co/CUXVWoG5gh
5:11 PM - Aug 8, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
I'm going with @HotchkissWeb. Can't wait! http://t.co/mXsYCkM90w
6:59 PM - Aug 8, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!
@RoccoTripaldi tweeted:
Using the Gravity Forms Wordpress Plugin for the first time today. #MindBlown
5:13 PM - Jul 7, 2013
Rocco's Twitter account is gone for good. Tweets are still archived here!

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